Health Hazards After the Disaster and How to Protect Yourself
The relief you feel after the winds have died down, the rain has stopped falling, and the flood waters have receded is palpable. The challenge now lies in gathering up the pieces and getting back to normal life as soon as possible.
However, there are still risks you need to be aware of and prepare for, despite the main danger having passed. This article will go over how you can protect yourself from the risks that remain after flooding.
Health Hazards After the Flood
Even though the waters have receded, plenty of hazards remain. The health impact of infectious diseases alone can be significant if proper care is not taken. Keep the following in mind during flood and water damage remediation.
Contaminated Standing Water
There will be standing water left lying around after the flood, and heavy winds can topple trees that damage water supply lines. Water contaminated with sewage and dangerous chemicals carry many lingering health hazards and need to be treated with care.
Contaminated water often contains infectious diseases like cholera that can cause an outbreak if it infects just a few people.
You should be mindful of your drinking water. Only drink bottled water if you can. Otherwise, follow the guidelines from the authorities or emergency services. You will receive notice when it's safe to use tap water again or if you must boil it.
Standing water may also contain hazards like broken glass and sharp metal shards. Always wear protective clothing while cleaning up standing water left over from a flood.
The air in your home can become unhealthy if the interior stays wet for more than two days. Mold will quickly establish itself in furniture and building materials.
The resulting mold spores can be the source of a variety of health challenges such as allergic reactions and asthma. Even healthy individuals can experience respiratory distress after inhaling too many mold spores. Always wear a quality respiratory mask when working indoors after a flood.
Traveling Around Disaster Zones
Natural disasters will cause heavy damage to infrastructure, so always follow emergency service advice before you start moving around an affected area. Road safety will be compromised, many areas will be inundated with black water (water contaminated with effluent), and there may be downed but still live powerlines.
The aftermath of a flood also carries the risk of landslides. Previously solid ground that is now loose and heavy with water can cause an unexpected and fast-moving landslide.
Immediately report the location of downed power lines to the authorities. While they may not be able to repair it right away, they can still ensure the area is safe for pedestrians.
Storm and Lightning Damage
When lightning strikes your property during a severe electrical storm, it will damage the electrical system, rendering it unsafe and possibly creating a fire hazard. Plugged-in devices are also likely to get damaged. Always get approval from a qualified professional before you start using any electrical devices.
Gas Leaks
Uprooted trees can expose underground utility lines. Fast-flowing water through your property could cause a malfunction or leak in your gas meter.
A leak in your gas pipes will produce a strange odor. When you suspect a gas leak, open all your windows and vacate the property immediately. Gas detection and repair are always best left to the professionals.
If your gas meter was fully or partially submerged, you should consult with a water damage remediation professional to check the damage. They will assess the meter and let you know if it can be repaired or needs replacement.
Cleaning Up After the Disaster
With all the damage that's been done to your home, you will need professional help to restore it to pre-disaster condition. However, there are still things you can do to get the ball rolling while you wait.
Make hygiene a top priority. Use protective gear to minimize contact with contaminated water and keep young children away. Flood cleanup equipment could include:
● Gloves
● Mask and other PPE (personal protective equipment)
● Mops, buckets, and squeegees
● Large, sturdy garbage bags
● Detergent
● Containers large enough to hold bed sheets, linens, curtains, and drapes
Other items you may find useful but might not have around your home are submersible pumps, carbon monoxide sensors, large industrial fans, and a wet/dry vacuum. Make sure to always keep extension cords away from water.
Call the Flood and Water Damage Remediation Professionals
After a disaster hits your home, it's important to start dealing with the fallout as soon as possible, while always practicing safety first to prevent further catastrophe. Trying to fix all the damage yourself can be dangerous if you're not properly trained and equipped.
Fortunately, you don't have to try to clean up all storm or flood damage yourself. Hire certified professionals with the equipment, training, and experience to get your property back to pre-flood levels.
If you have any questions or need assistance after a storm or flood, don't hesitate to contact Best Option Restoration, the water damage remediation professionals. They are available 24/7 and are the best at helping you get your property back to pre-disaster condition and your life back to normal.
Flood and Water Damage Remediation Professionals With Best Option Restoration
If you’re experiencing flood and water damage in Denver, Arvada, Thornton, Broomfield, Boulder, or the surrounding areas, Best Option Restoration can help you. We are aware that flood and water damage can leave you feeling overwhelmed, and our goal is to instill peace of mind throughout the project and restore your property in the most efficient way possible. We have many years of experience in restoration reconstruction and all our general contractors are licensed and insured. If your property has been damaged due to water, fire, or mold we will give you the personalized service and expert marksmanship needed to get the job done right. To learn more about our services, call us at (720) 620-3272 or contact us online to receive an estimate on your project.

Best Option Restoration – Thornton & Boulder
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